The UK Property Market Turns to the East

According to recent figures from the National Association of Real Estate Agents, First Time Buyers are slowly returning to the housing market. However, even though the percentage of total homes sold to FTB is increasing, I think there are two key facts that advertising is hiding.

The NAEA likes to think that there is a group of clever young people who build their warehouses and prepare for a real bargain in the desired area. He predicted that the truth of the matter is much more mundane.

First of all, FTBs are not flooding the market again. The reality is that the percentage of FTB as buyers has simply increased because of another group of buyers, Buy to Let investors buy investment property 2018, have completely disappeared. Actually, there is much less FTB now than before, they are only occupying a larger portion of the cake that is increasingly decreasing. Lies, damn lies and statistics, I think!

Second, and this is interesting, I would bet my mortgage that a higher proportion of the expected FTB in 2008 will come from the Eastern European community. Since 2004, thousands of Eastern Europeans have gone to the United Kingdom, in search of a better future since their countries joined the European Union. They have come from the eight former communist states of Poland, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Many have returned to their countries of origin, but those who have decided to stay are achieving the natural progression from rent to home ownership. They have bank accounts, work long hours, clean credit records and have low levels of debt. They may have saved considerable deposits: they have less fussy tastes than an average Brit FTB. In essence, they are doing everything they should do.

So the next time you see the figures, remember that the house on the road with the young couple moving is more likely to have been bought by Piotrowski than by Patterson.

Therefore, surprisingly, it is the determination of the immigrant community that will help the UK real estate market recover. In “Mortgages, Money and Magic,” I established an easy-to-follow plan that shows how any couple, earning an average amount of money, can buy a property without depositing a deposit and then acquire the property directly in 10 years. This plan is ideally suited to the young couple from Eastern Europe who are thinking of entering the ladder owned by the United Kingdom.

Nobody can predict the future, but imagine this situation:

2008 Buy a UK property for £ 100,000

2008 to 2018 Pay the mortgage

2018 Sells property for £ 200,000

2019 Return to Poland with a rescue of kings?

In conclusion, do not believe in the exaggeration that you read in the newspapers: the numbers combine to adapt to the worldview of the writer, but if you are a young couple from Eastern Europe, then it is very possible that the current economic result is what better than you ever have!

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Overseas Land Investment – Where and When to Invest in Land

The overseas land is an investment sector that has grown dramatically in recent years and it seems that this trend will continue for quite some time. Investing in the land can be extremely profitable and many opt for land in their own country, however, it often happens that investing in foreign lands can be much more profitable and affordable.

First of all, land abroad is often much cheaper than here at home. This means that immediately investment carries fewer risks and is more affordable. It also means that there is much more room for growth and, therefore, potential gains.

The second reason why buying land overseas may be more profitable than investing land here at home is that land often abroad has more reason to increase its value quickly. Investment in land here may also be profitable, but land prices here tend to grow steadily and at a predicted rate simply because there are no new factors contributing to rapid growth.

On the other hand, land abroad can benefit from external factors that can contribute to very rapid growth, which means that foreign investment can not only be cheaper in the first place but can also generate much greater profits than the economy. the typical investment in land here in the home.

When considering an investment in land abroad, it is worth exploring if any of these external factors apply to the area in which you are investing. For example, is it a promising new tourist spot? Has the Government recently made a large investment in the area? Are the companies moving to the area? Is there a growing expatriate community settling there? Any of these factors can make a big difference in the potential of your investment.

Land Investment

The next step is to decide when is the best time to invest. Investment in land abroad can be very profitable, but if you invest in land abroad that has already experienced most of the explosive growth, then the object is defeated.

Land Investment

The trick is to measure the time of land investment abroad correctly. In an ideal world, you are looking to buy land abroad at a time when you can see that external factors are having an impact in the near future, but before real changes take place. This is the stage at which investors will be cautious and, therefore, at the beginning, the value of land abroad will grow slowly. However, as more and more people take the step, the proverbial snowball begins and even more rise to the car. As more people get into the car, prices are forced to rise faster and faster until it reaches a peak. It is obvious to say that the ideal point to enter is just before the moment develops and then leave the foreign investment in the field once that maximum point has been reached.

Investment in land abroad can be extremely profitable and is usually very simple. It also benefits by not having tax burdens or maintenance costs that make it even more attractive. However, no matter how attractive an investment in foreign lands may seem at the beginning, always keep in mind the above points before making any land purchases.